Warzone 2100 skirmish
Warzone 2100 skirmish

You also need to understand how your team mates build and research. (The second and equally important skill is understanding the Tech Tree and its various research paths.) So if you find yourself on the losing end of games more often than not, you need to improve your build order, and you need to understand the impacts of the type of map you are playing on-low oil, moderate oil, or high oil. This is the first critical skill required to be able to compete effectively in a multiplayer game. Hao wrote: If the idea of perfecting a build order sounds new/strange/useless for you, NOTE to Newbies: If the idea of perfecting a build order sounds new/strange/useless to you, then you might as well never play multiplayer Warzone, since you will always have your handed to you and you will most likely believe that the people routinely kicking your are cheating, when in fact they are not cheating. I don't want to discuss high-power map strategies in this thread, though they also have their piece of theory. So i really want to hear your experience about many other build orders, like tech builds, truck rushes (?), turtle builds (?). So i'm playing much like a noob who has just watched this video well, i've made this thread to make you lecture about *your* favorite builds! The rush build i've mentioned above is the only one i've actually learned so far (and even this one - thanks to BP ). Learn this build, and alto1234 will respect you!Įrr.

Warzone 2100 skirmish full#

It's about a three-factory rush build, and in this video, i beat three full AIs on "Rush2" map simply by using a suitable build order.

warzone 2100 skirmish

If the idea of perfecting a build order sounds new/strange/useless for you, i've just made a little video especially for you.

warzone 2100 skirmish

So i want to make some discussion about it in this thread. This page includes some of the common build orders, but it isn't very informative on how do these build orders actually work during a real game. By a "build order" we mean an order in which you build your buildings early in the game.

Warzone 2100 skirmish